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Home / PGprint Blog / The Benefits of Hang Tags: A Closer Look

The Benefits of Hang Tags: A Closer Look

Are you wondering how hang tags enrich your business? The hang tag market will register an annual growth rate of 5.2% until 2031. Demand from different industries and applications will continue to fuel its growth.

How can a small item leave a significant impact on growing a business? Consider reading on to get a closer look at the benefits of hang tags and some design tips.

Hang Tags Draw Attention

One of the best benefits of hang tags is drawing consumer attention. If you sell apparel, clothing hang tags can help your products stand out. It is perfect in a retail store setting where your items sit beside products from other brands.

An eye-catching hang tag will connect with customers, especially the young ones. Millennials are becoming more selective with their choices. They want something that gives them value at first glance.

Before they can learn about the details of your products, the hang tags must first “hook” them. From there, the hang tags can give a gist of your products’ unique story. The tags then show the price of the product, the manufacturing details, and QR codes to your website.

They Boost Your Brand

Custom hang tags can be a powerful tool for boosting your brand. Use the hang tag to showcase your company logo. It helps create brand recall and generate interest in your other product offerings.

Choose a unique hang tag design. Apply your brand’s color to make it an extension of your branding. Use high-quality materials for the hang tags with string to show how you value excellence.

Never settle for cheap materials since they may poorly reflect on your brand. You can find more budget-friendly materials with decent quality.

They Highlight Product Features

Hang tags can also help highlight your products’ key features. Maximize the hang tags’ space by listing their unique benefits. If you sell a pair of basketball sneakers, list its primary technology on the hang tag.

As customers scan your shoe prices, they also see its benefits. It gives them compelling reasons to buy your product. They also save time from looking up on the internet to learn more about its specifications.

You can also add instructions for product care. List the dos and don’ts for maintaining your products. The hang tags can show washing instructions and the appropriate cleaning materials for clothes. 

Giving them a summary of the features is going the extra mile. In turn, the hang tags help build your credibility and consumer trust.

Sales Boosters

Hang tags also serve as marketing tools that help boost your sales. Use them to launch product discounts and promotional codes. It will encourage customers to buy immediately and enjoy the promos and discounts.

You can also use them to encourage future purchases. Add coupons to the hang tags by adding perforations. Customers who buy the products can tear off these coupons and use them for future purchases.

If you’re selling through third-party outlets, use the coupons for possible tie-ups. The stores can use the perforations to extend their sales and promos.

Important Design Tips

Your design plays a crucial role in how effective they become. It applies to custom hang tags for clothing and food. Start with your logo by blowing it up and using one side to show your big company logo.

This approach turns the hang tags into business cards. They help introduce your brand to consumers seeing it for the first time.

Choose brighter colors that align with your brand to create consistency. If your branding uses different colors, pick one or two shades for the hang tags.

For seasonal releases, you may deviate from your brand colors. Ensure the new colors adhere to the product’s current theme.

For regular releases, the tags should reflect your general theme. Who is your target market?

Vibrant and energetic designs work if you have a sporty brand. If you sell wines, use classy and sophisticated hang tag designs. Research your market carefully to determine the most appealing ones for your audience.

Be open to unique shapes and materials. Play with different cuts and finish or make them sport rounded edges.

Who Needs a Good Hang Tag?

Can your products become marketable without hang tags? You can sell them but never expect to edge out the competition.

As we mentioned earlier, different industries invest in good hang tags. Aside from clothing companies, food and beverage manufacturers also benefit from them. The necks of wine and beer bottles are excellent fits for hang tags.

The tags tell consumers the age and history of the alcohol they buy. Some even use them to share recipes people can use their products on.

Hang tags can also help if you sell health and beauty products. Use them to inform users of your product ingredients. You can also promote your special awards and accolades.

Hang tags also work for business owners wanting to avoid busy labels. Transferring information to hang tags can free up space. You can make the packaging more interesting by creating more engagement.

Lastly, custom hang tags can also work for automotive supply companies. Some auto supplies do not come in boxes. They force retailers to apply stickers to provide product information.

Some of these products often move or become hot. In turn, the conditions damage the stickers and their information. Custom hang tags featuring durable materials can solve this problem.

Enjoy the Hang Tags You Deserve Now

Now you know the many benefits hang tags offer. Use the information to revisit your products and come up with your designs. You can avoid making them look unremarkable, allowing you to enrich your brand.

If you already have one and are looking for a trusted hang tag maker, you came to the right place.

We offer quality custom hang tags for different products. Connect with us to tell more about your requirements.

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