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Video Greeting Card

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Create a lasting memento or memories to share

Drive sales for your business with this effective sales tool!

Cutting-edge technology allows you to upload a personal video

Beautiful soft-touch finish

Select from several templates or create your own design

PGprint is renowned for helping customers design the most unique and personalized video greeting cards. All you need to do is select one of our popular themes and adapt the card to your occasion and tastes. Our website has all the following features to help you with your video greeting card:

  • Cutting edge technology for uploading personal videos
  • Full-color printing
  • Choice of popular template
  • Attractive, soft-touch finish

It is no surprise that whenever our customers are looking for the best way to preserve and honor a special memory, they consistently choose PGprint. Once you have chosen the theme for your video greeting card, you will then be able to follow these easy steps:

1. Under “Background Tools,” you can change color by navigating to “Background Color” or you can place your own image in the video greeting card by choosing “Set Background Image”

2. Under “Image Properties,” you can double-click on any placeholder images and drop in your own photos

3. Under “Text Properties,” you can click on the placeholder text and type in your own text. You can also adapt the fonts and colors to suit your needs. After your video greeting card is customized, click on “Continue,” name your video greeting card design, and then move to the proofing page to approve your design and finalize your order

Best of all, you will be able to make slight alterations on your initial design by switching out the text or graphics. The only limitation for your video greeting card is your imagination!

For more information about our video greeting card possibilities, call us at 888.288.7518, use our chat service, or email us at to learn more about our printing services.

Video Greeting Card | Video Greeting Cards | Video Brochure

Video Recording Assistance

Having difficulty recording professional-quality videos with your smartphone? The videos below, courtesy of Primal Video, will teach you how to get the most out of your device.

How to Film Professional Videos with an Android Smartphone:

How to Film Professional Videos with an iPhone:

Customer Reviews – Video Greeting Cards

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